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Art & DesignArt & Design at All Hallows is a wonderfully diverse, challenging and rewarding experience, taught by passionate and engaging subject specialists in an environment that nurtures and inspires each and every student to develop skills, understanding and a love for creativity and the extraordinary world around us.
The department is a rich source of inspiration from the subject specialists who teach in it, to the students who immerse themselves in their art on a daily basis. Our aim is to give every student the skills, knowledge and experiences they need to allow them to not only reach their potential but to be able to make an informed decision about their direction in life. Whether this is in the creative arts, a complementary field or the wider working world, the creative thinking we encourage and the freedom of expression we hope to instil, can prepare students for adulthood in ways that cannot always be quantified. The curriculum is designed to engage each child in a creative dialogue with both the art of the past and that of the present day. Understanding the origins of art and design informs the contemporary landscape that we inhabit and allows for a richer and more productive engagement with the subject. From the very start of KS3, students are challenged in their understanding of both material and technique, of what constitutes a successful piece of artwork and the development of a vocabulary which makes the discussion of art a language accessible to all. Through demonstration, support, engagement and feedback, students will start to uncover the breadth of skills, materials and approaches that will allow them to communicate their ideas, in an imaginative, expressive and enjoyable way. By continually referring to artists in our teaching, the purpose of media choice and style of art becomes relevant and connection between the real world and even the most conceptual artwork, is better understood. We aim to allow every student the space and experience to start to develop their own visual language regardless of what specialist area that might take them into. Art and Design is an open and holistic subject area, that allows everyone an opportunity to discover their creative potential, complemented by the tools to express their ideas and an awareness that great art is not always defined by realism or drawing skills. True expression takes many forms but inspiration and experiences inform understanding and broaden aspiration. At All Hallows we hope that art acts as a catalyst for an appreciation and emerging enthusiasm for the Arts both for now and for life. Curriculum |
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Headteacher: Mr Mark Baines
T: 01252 319 211 E: [email protected] A: All Hallows Catholic School, Weybourne Road, Farnham, GU9 9HF
T: 01252 319 211 E: [email protected] A: All Hallows Catholic School, Weybourne Road, Farnham, GU9 9HF
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