All Hallows PTAAll Hallows PTA
About us We are a group of like-minded caring parents/guardians that want to give back, to support the school and its students and teachers and make a positive impact on student’s lives. All parents are welcome to join and support the PTA activities with as much as you can do. The PTA organises just one event a term to minimise any time required so that should make things easier for you to support the PTA. Like the All Hallows Catholic School PTA Facebook page for updates on meetings and activities. PTA Facebook page. If you want to get more involved, please email: Phil Howell – [email protected] or Bruno Santino on [email protected] Antoinette Hautot [email protected] Roxanna Price [email protected] PTA Successes The PTA started in 2019 and have run a series of fun Quiz’s, Bingo evenings, and a Jazz Supper. We have helped build the schools careers programme and set up Alumni portal. We raised money to support students at the school. During lockdown, we were able to provide support to disadvantaged families within our school community. As we all experienced, things were more challenging during Covid and lockdown, so we adapted and were able to run events online. We have supported students to participate in the Performing Arts, Creative Arts, part funded the electric car racing, funding for school cups, providing funds for teachers to recognise students amongst many other things. If you would like to make a donation now, please go to our JustGiving fundraising page here. PTA Mission statement “To support the wellbeing of the students at the school” We will seek to help to create a positive school experience for all current students and work towards forming long-term connections with the alumni. PTA Strategic Initiatives • Support a diverse Careers programme • Raise money and support key initiatives • Leverage the talents of the school community, to enhance the school experience and opportunities for students. As a parent or carer, how can you help? Help us build a diverse Careers Programme • Talk about your career • Mentor students • Take part in the career’s day • Provide training to students/teachers on your career area • Give students interview practice (Any involvement with students will be managed through the school in accordance with the schools’ safeguarding policies and procedures). So, if you have a career journey to share, interview techniques to advise on, you work or study at a university or have experience of being or managing apprentices, we really would like to hear from you and encourage you to sign up via the link. Mr Carney, Careers Lead will then be in touch. Please subscribe to our AHCS careers YouTube Channel How to Help the PTA with fundraising events We now have a programme of fun events going forwards and you can find out more on our PTA Facebook events page. Please remember to ‘like’ the page when you visit, so you see our updates. Events will vary from time to time but may include:
If you would like to get involved with any event, please do let us know by emailing [email protected] Help is needed for every event we do, the range of activities that you could get involved in include: • Communications, marketing and PR • Organise/run the bar • Organise/run a catering section e.g. BBQ or cake stall • Plan and organize the event • Decorate the venue/clear up after • Liaise with and obtain corporate sponsorship, raffle prizes etc • Run a stall at the summer fair Help the PTA and school by providing your expertise or skill We would also like to involve the parent community to plan and organise projects to support the school. • Can you offer advice or professional expertise to the PTA, school, or the governors? • Or represent a specific part of the school – Year Group, etc? If you can help with any of the above, can you please complete the Parents Survey PTA Finances The PTA are always in need of support so if you are able to donate it funds or a prize, help out with fundraising or supporting an event it would be greatly appreciated. Applications for funding The PTA are open to applications for funding from heads of year/department, teachers, students or student groups. Applications need to include an outline of the project, its purpose, objectives, and how it helps student wellbeing, the careers programme or the student school experience, and your proposed budget. In the first instance, please email the PTA Chair Phil Howell, [email protected] with your outline proposal, so it can be considered. Please email [email protected] with any suggestions or comments. Phil Howell PTA Chair Bruno Santino PTA Events Manager David Hurley PTA Liaison, Assistant Headteacher |
The PTA TeamMatthew McGrory, Chair Phil Howell, Admin & Comms Manager David Hurley, Assistant Headteacher. Pete Mulley, Bar Manager |
About Us Section |
Welcome to All Hallows!
Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website – we hope that you find it stimulating and enjoyable. |
Parents & Carers Section |
Welcome to the Parents and Carers section of the All Hallows website.
In this section, you will be able to navigate to different key pages that will be useful for parents, or use quick links to areas such as ParentPay or Letters Home. |
Curriculum Section |
Welcome to the Curriculum section of the All Hallows website.
For further information on the Curriculum at All Hallows, please contact the school directly. |
Catholic Life |
Welcome to the Chaplaincy section of the All Hallows website.
For further information, please contact the school. |
Sixth Form |
Welcome to the Sixth Form section of the All Hallows website.
For further information, please contact the school. |
Join Us |
Welcome to the Join Us section of the All Hallows School website.
For further information, please contact the school. |
Covid-19 Section |
This section of the website offers advice surrounding the Covd-19 Pandemic. For more information, please contact the school directly. |
Headteacher: Mr Mark Baines
T: 01252 319 211 E: [email protected] A: All Hallows Catholic School, Weybourne Road, Farnham, GU9 9HF
T: 01252 319 211 E: [email protected] A: All Hallows Catholic School, Weybourne Road, Farnham, GU9 9HF
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